Significance Breeds Success | Daniel Puder | TEDxWestBrowardHigh

Daniel Puder, undefeated MMA fighter and wrestler talks about why it is important to seek significance above success. Daniel Puder is an Undefeated Mixed Martial Arts Fighter and WWE’s Tough Enough Champion. He gave up his career as a professional athlete to use his...

Interview with Daniel Puder

15Dec 2014 There are many of you who are reading this and are familiar with Daniel Puder from his stint in the WWE where he won the 2004 Tough Enough competition and from his title as an Undefeated Mixed Martial Arts Fighter.  That alone is impressive, but that wasn’t...

Bags of free food in hand, hundreds of Miami Gardens residents left Norwood Park with a smile. “Oh Lord, I think I must have like 5 bags,” said food recipient Robin Anderson. “A little bit of everything.” And there’s plenty more where...

My Life My Power

Buckeye Elementary School implements new program to empower pupils Buckeye Elementary School is implementing the My Life My Power program to about 70 students, officials said. Executive Director Daniel Puder presented the program to fifth- through eighth-grade pupils...