“Allow me to CHALLENGE you towards your VISION & PURPOSE in life.”
Daniel Puder, Co-Founder of MLMP

Hi, I’m Daniel Puder! Everyone that knows me knows that I am full of life and believe in making the most out of every opportunity. I see challenges as a means to sharpen my skills as I prepare to learn from the things in life that test me.
As you’ve come to my website, looking for ways to either enhance your life, get your life back on track, or simply focus on a few key areas in your life that seem to be weighing on you, I can assure you that you are right where you are meant to be! Whether you were referred to my website or you stumbled upon it by happenstance, I am so glad you are here and I’m eager to work alongside you to help you achieve your goals – big or small!
Before we get started, I believe that it is important that you know a bit about who I am and what brought me to the point in my life where I am knowledgeable about prepared to be your Coach, Consultant and/or Mentor.
I am an author, professional speaker, founder of a world-wide 501(c)3 non-profit, professional athlete and personal trainer. Each of those titles represents a different chapter in my life, some of which overlap with one another, but all in all, I am proud to say that I believe my life’s journey and all that I have experienced has equipped me with the desire and ability to help you reach your full potential.
Let me take you back to when I was in elementary school and I was not considered an athlete by any means. I was the kid that would get picked last to join a team and was picked on and bullied daily by the other kids in my class because I had a learning disorder. I remember kids taunting me and laughing at me because I was overweight, I couldn’t read very well and had to go to a different room to take my tests. A lot of times I would beg my parents to let me stay home from school because the bullying was so bad. As I got older, I focused my mind on moving past their daily insults and dived into the world of Mixed Martial Arts where I earned the title of Undefeated Mixed Martial Arts Fighter (28-0). I then dabbled in Professional Wrestling and in 2004 I became the Champion of WWE’s Million Dollar Tough Enough Competition.
Now let’s flash forward to 2010 when I was out to dinner one night with a friend and I was approached by TMZ and asked what I thought of the kids that were being bullied and committing suicide. I ended up giving my personal email address out on national television and said that if you are being bullied, to email me and I will come to your school! Little did I know that I would end up receiving over 10,000 emails from 12 different countries in only 8 weeks! With this kind of response, I knew that something needed to be done because the anti-bullying campaigns geared toward youth at the time were clearly not providing the solutions needed. And that is when I developed My Life My Power as a 501(c)3 non-profit to help youth who are facing all sorts of challenges in their lives – not just bullying! You see, I have always had a passion for helping those in need and over the past six years, I have done just that!
From youth to adults, I have mastered the art of listening and providing feedback that while it seems so simple, it takes on a different meaning in your life because you are ready to make change, ready for a challenge, and ready to become the person that you never thought possible!
I have traveled the world, learning from the most influential and inspiring individuals of our time. I remember the first time that I was at an event listening to the Dalai Lama as he spoke about his passion for helping others. It is that same passion that I want to pass onto you as together, we embark on a journey of YOUR lifetime!
Today is YOUR day.
Today is THE day to say YES to yourself.
Today is when YOUR life begins.